How do write SVA for sequential req followed by ack ??
Functional Verification, System Verilog 0 CommentsThis is tricky and generally we get confuse and think that req |-> ##[1:$] ack ; will give the correct result but this is not true
The solution for this issue is
module req_ack_sequential_checker(
input bit clk,
input bit req,
input bit ack
bit error_flag ; // Error flag to indicate a protocol violation
bit last_req_acknowledged ; // Flag to check if last request was acknowledged
// Initialize the registers
initial begin
error_flag <= 0;
last_req_acknowledged <=1;
// Monitor request and acknowledgment signals
forever @(posedge clk) begin
// Reset error flag each clock cycle for clarity
//error_flag = 0;
// Initially true to allow the first request
if ($rose(req)) begin
// Check if the last request was acknowledged before accepting a new one
if (!last_req_acknowledged) begin
$display("Error: New request issued before the last one was acknowledged.");
error_flag = 1; // Set error flag
$finish; // Terminate simulation or handle error as needed
last_req_acknowledged = 0; // A new request has been made, waiting for ack
if ($rose(ack)) begin
// Set flag to true when an acknowledgment is received
last_req_acknowledged = 1;
Now to give stimulus
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module tb_req_ack_sequential_checker;
reg clk = 0;
reg req = 0;
reg ack = 0;
// Instantiate the checker module
req_ack_sequential_checker dut(
// Clock generation
always #5 clk = ~clk; // 100 MHz clock
// Generate test sequence
initial begin
$dumpfile("req_ack_sequential_checker.vcd"); // Name of the VCD file
$dumpvars(0, tb_req_ack_sequential_checker); // Dump all variables of the testbench and submodules
// Initial state, allow time for initialization
req = 1; // Issue first request
#10 req = 0;
#10 req = 1; // Issue second request without waiting for ack
#10 req = 0;
#10 req = 1;
#20 ack = 1; // Acknowledge only the first request after the second one was issued
#10 ack = 0;
#40 $stop; // Stop the simulation after the scenario
Output :

Log :
ontains Synopsys proprietary information.
Compiler version U-2023.03-SP2_Full64; Runtime version U-2023.03-SP2_Full64; May 7 08:35 2024
Error: New request issued before the last one was acknowledged.
$finish called from file “”, line 28.